Photo Album

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Photo Album 0

“Visit Bob Perrill’s FaceBook page for additional photographs”

Here are some snaps taken by Bob during his travel.

Photo Album 2

The Baja fairyduster (Calliandra californica) attracts many pollinators like this Anna’s hummingbird. Oh, well, she was there a minute ago. Oops

Photo Album 3

Canada Goose bathing in dappled sunlight

Photo Album 4 A crested caracara wanting to be alone, so I left.

Photo Album 5

Coville barrel (Ferocactus emoryi ssp. covillei) has bright red flowers and heavier radial spines than the local fishhook barrel (Ferocactus wislizenii) in the Tucson area.

Photo Album 6

Love is color blind and some hearts are blue. Eurasian collared dove, mated pair. Happy Valentines Day.

Photo Album 7

Glochids. Short, hair-like spines that are barbed and detach easily from prickly pear and chollas. In the case of some prickly pear, glochids can form golden sprays up to 3/4 of an inch long. Taken in Saguaro National Park west.

Photo Album 8

Guayacan (Guaiacum coulteri). All floral parts are visible. Five lavender sepals, 5 blue petals, 10 blue Stamens with yellow anther tips, one lavender style with 5 greenish carpels at the base.

Photo Album 9 Photo Album 10

“Our summer lightning and thunder storms are spectacular. Taken near Saguaro National Park west.”

Photo Album 11

Morning dove. Another cold morning to tuck your head, fluff your feathers, and let the sunshine warm your soul.

Photo Album 12

A leafhopper (sharp shooter) in the family Cicadellidae, on my ocotillo relative from southern Mexico (Fouquieria faciculata).

Photo Album 13Here’s looking at you. A Sonoran Desert toad (Incilius [Bufo] alvarius) up close. Notice the cranial crest above the eye, the round tympanum (ear drum) and the large parotid (toxic) gland behind the eye.

Photo Album 14

Low desert sun setting behind a foothill paloverde (Parkinsonia microphylla).

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