amazon reviews

amazon reviews

amazon reviews

amazon reviews

The story opens with a savage raid by dark Drow elves on a sleeping elven village. This was a hard part for me to read, but it is essential. The rest of the story follows directly from the consequences of that raid. It is one more lesson that the ripples of such events spread far beyond the ability of logic, or even fear, to predict. The story concerns a young elf who discovers that he is half Drow. These two races have opposite and bitterly antagonistic moralities. To find out who he is, he must learn to live and survive in the deep underground, the nightmare world of the Drow. He also demonstrates that personal integrity matters, even in nightmares. The story itself is a page turner, with no good “quitting places”. The several subplots are woven together with skill and timing, adding a realistic feel to the whole environment. I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and am looking forward to a sequel. Or maybe a prequel. This story is open on both ends.

- Sunset_coast

A young elf's quest for his identity


I am an avid reader of fiction (mostly mystery/thrillers) and non-fiction. I have never read a Science Fiction or Fantasy book before. When I was gifted this book I put aside other books and read it. I was impressed with the clarity of thought and writing style. I found the subject interesting and relatable. Upon reflection I found some analogies to the human experience (light and difficult periods). The glossary of Houses and Individuals at the end was very helpful. I highly recommend this book and await a sequel.

- Kindle Customer

Excellent Book

Full disclosure: I know the author and he gifted me a copy of the book. Out of kindness I promised to read it, and expected to be polite and tell him that it was “very good, and interesting.” Was I wrong! I’m only half way through but find it hard to put down! I typically read international memoirs and historical biographies, but never fantasy. And yet I feel invested in the fully fleshed out characters, am able to visualize and follow the fantastical places and scenes, and care about the ultimate outcomes. And it’s just extremely well written! What a delightful surprise! I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t genuinely mean it, but I highly recommend this book! I’ll post a concluding review when I finish it!

- S. Steinacher

A great read even for those who don’t read fantasy!
